Introducing Chelsea Wood

With hometown roots in Moorhead, Chelsea has always loved living in Minnesota. After graduating from Moorhead High School, she attended Minnesota State University-Moorhead, where she studied Public Relations and Marketing. After college, Chelsea started a career in the social media marketing field before shifting her focus to real estate.

Now residing in Excelsior, Chelsea shares her home with her fiance, Taylor. When she’s not serving her clients, Chelsea loves to work in her garden, volunteer within her community, play cribbage with Taylor, explore new trails, read, or spend time with friends and family. Chelsea hopes to one day visit every brewery in Minnesota, travel to every state in the United States, become a regular 5K runner, and own a local general store. 

Chelsea holds herself to a high standard of care when it comes to her clients. She hopes her clients remember her as their biggest cheerleader. She strives to provide a seamless experience filled with optimism and ends with satisfied customers. Her biggest goal is to show up everyday and serve her clients at her full potential no matter what.

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CONTACT Chelsea Wood