Carlos R. Pizarro Jr.

Carlos R. Pizarro Jr.

Introducing Carlos R. Pizarro Jr.

Growing up in New York City, Carlos holds a deep love for the city lifestyle. Being raised by a father who was a Purple Heart and Silver Star recipient, and a mother who worked as a pediatric nursing assistant, instilled a desire to work hard, be loyal, and serve his community at a young age. After graduating from Cardinal Hayes High school, Carlos went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Monroe College. As the first in his family to graduate with a four year degree, Carlos went to work.

His first ever job was at McDonalds. From there, Carlos ventured into the music industry as part of a rap group named Wolfpack who was signed by an independent record label. Over the years, Carlos has gained an abundance of experience in several different industries including direct sales, real estate, marketing, and insurance. In his most recent role, Carlos was a general manager for Bridgestone Tires Plus, managing 15 employees and growing the business by $1 million in revenue year over year. From there, Carlos jumped into the real estate industry and hasn’t looked back. 

With his experience, Carlos has come to pride himself on being a dedicated, hardworking agent for his clients. Fiercely loyal and passionate, Carlos consistently shows attention to detail and relentlessly pursues his clients’ goals every day.

Now residing in South Saint Paul, Carlos shares his home with his partner, Natasha, their 5 beautiful children, German shepherd, and cat. In his free time, Carlos loves to play basketball, chill on the beach, catch a Yankees game, listen to reggaeton, and of course, spend time with his family. His biggest goals are to build a legacy for future generations to learn from, and to be sure his children are more successful than he was.

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CONTACT Carlos R. Pizarro Jr.